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Mahomet's Tomb Freed From the Turk

Raemaekers, Louis, 1919, Chromolithograph
Mahomet's Tomb Freed From the Turk
Mahomet's Tomb Freed From the Turk
Mahomet's Tomb Freed From the Turk
Library Item
Item no
Mahomet's Tomb Freed From the Turk
"To the Moslem, Medina, the City of the Apostle of God, containing, as is supposed, the burial-lace of Mahomet, is as sacred as Jerusalem, and its Mosque of the Prophet is as great a resort for pilgrims as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was left to Raisul to free the city from Turkish domination, the British only severing the connections of the Turkish Army with its base, which existed by means of the long-drawn-out Hedjaz Railway from Damascus southwards. This the Arabs of Sherif Feisal's army had done in conjunction with the British at the end of September 1918, but is was not until January 1919 that the city of Medina passed out of Turkish hands. M. Raemaekers; cartoon is in no wise intended to be more that imaginative of either the place or the ceremony."
Artist / maker
22.5 x 34 cm
Art and Design Library
Louis Raemaekaers' drawings are reproduced by kind permission of the Louis Raemaekers Foundation.