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On an American who gave his life for humanity

Raemaekers, Louis, 1917, Chromolithograph
On an American who gave his life for humanity
On an American who gave his life for humanity
On an American who gave his life for humanity
Library Item
Item no
On an American who gave his life for humanity
"American airmen on the Somme."

A Times' special correspondent with the French Army spoke with American airmen on 4 November 1916:
"I talked to-day to some of the 14 American airmen who are now working with the French Armies on the Somme. They arrived at their present quarters about a fortnight ago from the Verdun front. Since May, when the squadron was formed, they have between them accounted for 22 of the enemy's machines, at a total cost to themselves of two killed and three wounded. ... The American airmen looked to me an extraordinarily useful set of men, as fearless as the young lion cub which has been adopted as the corps; mascot, and far more modest."
Artist / maker
34.3 x 27.3 cm
Art and Design Library
Louis Raemaekaers' drawings are reproduced by kind permission of the Louis Raemaekers Foundation.