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Food for Thought podcast episode 5: Jingjing Shen

MECOPP (Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project), 2017, Sound recording
Food for Thought podcast episode 5: Jingjing Shen
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Food for Thought podcast episode 5: Jingjing Shen
Jingjing Shen was born in China and moved to Scotland when she was in her twenties. In this episode, she talks to us about the celebration food of her childhood and keeping her Chinese food traditions alive here in Edinburgh.

This episode was produced by Emma-Jane Harrington and Ciarán Earls. Interview was carried out by and transcribed/ translated by Isabella Jingwen Zhong. This podcast is brought to you by MECOPP's 'Food for Thought' project which was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

You can read a transcript of this podcast on the MECOPP website.
All Food For Thought project podcasts and sound montages are the property of MECOPP and used with permission by Edinburgh Libraries.