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Ministry of Food Letter, 29 May 1917

Unknown, 1917, Document
Ministry of Food Letter, 29 May 1917
Ministry of Food Letter, 29 May 1917
Ministry of Food Letter, 29 May 1917
Library Item
Item no
Ministry of Food Letter, 29 May 1917
On his Majesty's Service

I wish to appeal for the immediate help of every man, woman and child in my effort to reduce the consumption of bread.

We must all eat less food; especially we must all eat less bread and none of it must be wasted. The enemy is trying to take away our daily bread. He is sinking our wheat ships. If he succeeds in starving us our soldiers will have died in vain.

In the interests of the country, I call upon you all to deny yourselves, and so loyally to bridge over the anxious days between now and the harvest. Every man must deny himself; every mother, for she is the mistress of the home, must see that her family makes its own sacrifice and that not a crust or crumb is wasted.

By a strict care of our daily bread we can best help the men who are gallantly fighting on sea and land to achieve victory, and so share with them the joys of the peace which will follow.

No true citizen, no patriotic man or woman will fail the country in this hour of need.

I ask all the members of your household to pledge themselves to respond to the King's recent Appeal for economy and frugality and to wear the purple ribbon as a token.

29th May, 1917
Food Controller
Artist / maker
28.0 x 23.0 cm
Edinburgh and Scottish Collection