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An appeal to the boys and girls of Scotland

Unknown, 1916, Document
An appeal to the boys and girls of Scotland
An appeal to the boys and girls of Scotland
An appeal to the boys and girls of Scotland
Library Item
Item no
An appeal to the boys and girls of Scotland
A page from a World War One scrapbook (vol 1) showing an appeal to the children of Scotland to raise funds to support Belgian refugee families in Scotland:

Dear children

The children of Belgium are homeless. Many of them are present in this country with their parents, and it has been suggested that the Boys and Girls of Scotland should endeavour to do something for the maintenance of the homeless Belgian refugees during their temporary sojourn here.
Will you try to interest all your friends, and get them to give you a contribution to this deserving object? No donation will be considered too small. Remember that pennies make shillings, and shillings make pounds.
If you help now, you will have the satisfaction in after years of knowing that you did something for your country in the hour of your country's need, and that you also helped the Boys and Girls of a brave little nation in their time of trouble.
We rely upon the Children in all parts of Scotland assisting.

We are, yours faithfully,
Rosebery etc
Artist / maker
27.5 x 21.8 cm
Edinburgh and Scottish Collection