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Meg Lee, life in the Dean Village a century ago.

Cowie, Ian, 1984,
Meg Lee, life in the Dean Village a century ago.
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Meg Lee, life in the Dean Village a century ago.
Meg Lee (1905 -1999) lived at 43 Well Court, Dean Village, Edinburgh. The recording of Meg’s reminiscences about her life in the Dean Village was made by Ian Cowie at Meg’s house in the Well Court during the centenary celebrations for the building in 1984.

Robin Lee remembers that his Aunt Meg 'was an avid fan of the Brains Trust which ran from 1941. She came across to our house to listen to it. It was over us children’s heads, but we listened anyway, although I certainly preferred Tommy Handley’s ITMA. Meg was quite the disciplinarian. She liked board games, card games such as Pelmanism and the Solitaire games which required a bit of thought, and of course quizzes. She would tell us tales of the Hebrides, Iceland and Germany, all of which places she had visited with the Walker family as housekeeper. Meg and my wife hit it off, and she visited us in Stornoway and Inverness.'

The Lee Family first appeared in the Dean Village in 1843, by the early 1900’s there were 4 families with the surname Lee growing to 6 families in the 1950’s. However by the 1980’s all these families had left the Village.

Ian Cowie lived in Well Court, Dean Village between 1979-1985, and was treasurer of the Dean Village Association from 1980-1983. By profession Ian was a sound recordist with the BBC.

Artist / maker
Cowie, Ian