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Page 119 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1

Moir, Ethel, 1916, Document
Page 119 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Page 119 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Page 119 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Library Item
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Page 119 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
The Serbs are so good to us - we are with their 1st Division still -both officers & men are simply splendid. They are all such fine men, the great majority of them are (or rather were) "crofters", peaceful tillers of the soil from far-off mountain villages, educated, intelligent &
endowed with all the qualities God gives to the unspoiled children of nature. Children they are too - big, simple, & loveable, children in faith & in obedience. They are free men by ancient rite, independent & proud, men who have served their King & Country throughout history with unfailing loyalty. They are the bravest of the brave & fear nothing. I can't tell you how I admire them, they're a most splendid race. In my estimation they come miles before the Russians & of course are not to be mentioned in the same breath with the Rumanians!
We've made a camp fire to try & warm ourselves up a bit - it's "some" damp & chillsome these nights sleeping on the cold, cold ground & such filthy ground it is too. Just as well it's pitch dark & we don't see where we "lie ourselves down". I doubt if we mind - we're
Artist / maker
20.4 x 16.0 cm
Edinburgh and Scottish Collection