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A Hallow Fair Scene

Geikie, Walter, Oil painting
A Hallow Fair Scene
A Hallow Fair Scene
A Hallow Fair Scene
Museums & Galleries Item
Item no
A Hallow Fair Scene
A good-humoured scene depicting the hustle and bustle of a fair. In the left of the foreground are two drunk men lying on the ground. A fight has started among the figures to the right, startling a young boy and sending a dog running away from the scuffle.
In the background two men stand talking in traditional dress of the period. A dog stands next to them, its attention transfixed on a discussion taking part on another table. A woman stands with open arms, gesturing to a man in a pale blue coat. The artist has transformed a scene of daily life in to an affectionate and amusing tale.

Artist / maker
35.5 x 42.2 cm
City Art Centre
Accession number