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Page 89 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1

Moir, Ethel, 1916, Document
Page 89 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Page 89 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Page 89 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
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Page 89 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
the big silvery moon appears & throws such weird, blue silvery-white lights over everything. It's too wonderful.
But how my heart aches for hills, this inexhaustible flatness has no fascination for me.
There has been a lull in the fighting for the past week (a very bad omen I'm afraid, oh those Rumanians, why ever did they come in to this fray - strikes me they are, to use a Tommy's phrase, a "regular wash-out")
It's just as well for us that things have been quiet, for we have been a sorry crowd - thanks to that old dysentry [dysentery]. It does take it out of one & I must say I've felt very "cheap" all week - however, we're all well on the way to recovery now & will soon be back to our usual again I hope.
Yesterday evening I went for a wee walk, to try & "get back my legs" again. I went with S. Banyham, we just prowled about the village & saw what was to be seen. The Turkish element is much to the fore everywhere, same all over the Dobrudscha. The houses are chiefly made of mud with maize thatched roofs, running down round each little hovel is a verandah affair, a protection against
the blazing sun & good shelter in winter. There are dogs
Artist / maker
20.4 x 16.0 cm
Edinburgh and Scottish Collection