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Strengthen Our Hearts

Raemaekers, Louis, 1919, Chromolithograph
Strengthen Our Hearts
Strengthen Our Hearts
Strengthen Our Hearts
Library Item
Item no
Strengthen Our Hearts
"There are occasions when M. Raemaekers reveals the fact that he drew cartoons as the best method of impressing the world with the immensity of Germany's crime. But he is something much more than a satirist, and in this noble drawing the real spiritual inspiration of the artist is unmistakable in every line. It ascends beyond mere nationality, and is a study of the human suffering that has chastened the whole world. In these three humble characters, in which rugged life is presented without any refinement other than that of sorrow, we see epitomised the agony and the hope of countless parents whose sons have fallen on the field of honour. The inscrutable mystery of life has never been greater than in the spectacle of one half of the world striving to kill the other, and never has the path of Justice, Honour, and Liberty seemed steeper. From millions of choked voices has gone up the cry: 'And strengthen our hearts that we may endure and wait in patience for those on the sea and the battlefield who fight Thy fight.'"
Artist / maker
31.5 x 26.4 cm
Art and Design Library
Louis Raemaekaers' drawings are reproduced by kind permission of the Louis Raemaekers Foundation.