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All for Sale, Much Below Cost Price

Raemaekers, Louis, 1919, Chromolithograph
All for Sale, Much Below Cost Price
All for Sale, Much Below Cost Price
All for Sale, Much Below Cost Price
Library Item
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All for Sale, Much Below Cost Price
"The inheritance of the Emperor Karl was a little moth-eaten when he assumed the imperial robes, but he probably never thought that so soon his insignia would attract no bidders in the markets of the world. The House of Hapsburg conceded nothing in pride to the Hohenzollern, indeed it rather looked down upon the freebooter offshoot that had risen to power in a few decades. 'The ramshackle empire,' Mr. Lloyd George called Austria-Hungary in one of is most disintegrating phrases. The remark must have cut deep into the sensitive flesh of Karl. It was tragic too that the arm upon which he had hoped to lean in time of trouble should have failed him and have sought a like service. Now both rulers are outcasts, trying to make the world believe that the quiet life of the country gentleman was what he really desired, and we might be inclined to believe this making of necessity a virtue where it not that we remember the pomp and unholy pride of the tow dynasties scrapped in the crash of empires."
Artist / maker
32 x 24.5 cm
Art and Design Library
Louis Raemaekaers' drawings are reproduced by kind permission of the Louis Raemaekers Foundation.