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Don't Miss the Right Moment, Tino!

Raemaekers, Louis, 1917, Chromolithograph
Don't Miss the Right Moment, Tino!
Don't Miss the Right Moment, Tino!
Don't Miss the Right Moment, Tino!
Library Item
Item no
Don't Miss the Right Moment, Tino!
"This cartoon, which appeared in the Telegraaf, 4 November 1916, is said to have greatly exasperated the Kaiser. The true explanation of 'Greek perfidy' appears to be: (a) That King Constantine and the Staff had always believed in the ultimate victory of the Central Powers, and that the former's hands were tied by a secret treaty with Germany; (b) That King Constantine had foretold to the Allies their failure tat the Dardanelles; (c) That the nation was, from 1915, sharply divided between the adherents of the Venizelos policy and that of Gounaris; (d) That all the official assurances and explanations given to the Entente, January-November 1916, were yielded to force majeure, whereas the handing over of the frontier forts to the Germano-Bulgar forces was a concerted menace to the Allies at Salonica."
Artist / maker
31 x 27.3 cm
Art and Design Library
Louis Raemaekaers' drawings are reproduced by kind permission of the Louis Raemaekers Foundation.