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Suma (Suma) Chapter 12

Kunisada I (Toyokuni III), 1853, Wood cut
Suma (Suma) Chapter 12
Suma (Suma) Chapter 12
Suma (Suma) Chapter 12
Library Item
Item no
Suma (Suma) Chapter 12 from the series "A Modern Collection of Genji in Colour Prints" ("Ima Genji nishiki-e awase")
In this print, Mitsuuji (Genji) is seated by a Japanese zither (koto) and behind him a secret policeman, dressed in black, approaches with a drawn sword. Mitsuuji has raised his fan to halt his would-be attacker. A pillow lies to the left, and behind them both is a folding screen decorated with sea grasses.

The motif of the geese flying across a full moon indicates that the season is autumn.

This image derives from the serial novel or 'gokan', 'A Fake Murasaki and a Rustic Genji' (Nise Murasaki Inaka Genji) written by Ryutei Tanehiko and illustrated by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III), that was published between 1829-1842. This story reworks elements from the 'Tale of Genji' and transposes the action from the Heian period (794-1185) to the time of the Muromachi era's Onin Wars (1467-1477).

Artist / maker
Kunisada I (Toyokuni III)
27.9 x 19.8 cm
Art and Design Library
Rights and purchasing
Digital FileElectronic file 72 dpi JPEG
£7.32(inc. VAT 20%)
Digital FileElectronic File 300 dpi TIFF
£37.20(inc. VAT 20%)
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