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Page 98 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 3

Moir, Ethel, 1918, Document
Page 98 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 3
Page 98 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 3
Page 98 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 3
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Item no
Page 98 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 3
drive all the way. Valletta is most attractive. It stands on a prom-ontory (good word!) separating the 2 harbours - The Grand Harbour & The Marsamusetto Harbour. The town is completely surrounded by high bastions & deep ditches, which formerly, I suppose, rendered it such an impregnable fortress. At the point which juts into the sea there is Fort St. Elmo & at the opposite end there is the main gate called "Porta Riale". Valletta is built on a hill, there is only one main street "The Strada Riale", many small, narrow streets run from both sides of Strada Riale to the sea & these streets are very "hilly" & some are even ascended by stairs! On each side of the town are gates, leading down to the two harbours. The shops are rather fascinating, especially the [?] Indian ones. Of course I was not allowed to "sight see" - worse luck! But it was great, being allowed as far as Valletta at all! News just came, that Turkey has asked for peace - only the Huns now & they can't hold out much longer I'm sure.

Nov:6th Imtarfa Hospital - Malta.
Back to bed again, absolutely, so no more joyrides; it 's just too sickening &, à la Tommy Atkins, I'm "fed up". We hear Austria has now caved-in & that hostilities ceased on the after. of the 4th. The Serbs made a victorious entry into Belgrade on Nov 1st. A big, new offensive has begun on the Western Front - the Germans will give in next, we'll soon be finished now!
Artist / maker
20.4 x 19.0 cm
Edinburgh and Scottish Collection