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Page 67 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1

Moir, Ethel, 1916, Document
Page 67 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Page 67 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Page 67 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Library Item
Item no
Page 67 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
cleaned & scrubbed & white washed, "some" work I assure you. It's a two storeyed building; on the ground floor, a huge sort of barn with a stone partition down the centre. We have converted it in to 2 long wards, to hold 100 patients each side. We have straw mattresses on the floor, so close that they are touching - no "floor space" regulations here! We brought the ticking out with us, & it was "some" business sewing the straw & filling 'em. There are 2 quite nice side rooms, one which we have converted in to a theatre, & a most professional little place it is now, & the other in to a theatre dressing room. At the other end are another two apartments, one where we receive the cases & another which is a sort of office place. We have no water, lighting or any such luxuries - all the water we have to fetch from a pump up on the hill, some considerable distance away, then after it has been carted down it has to be boiled, & all we can boast of is a small "Ludgate" boiler - so you see the conveniences are not great - but it's wonderful how soon we've got it to look like a Hospital.
Artist / maker
20.4 x 16.0 cm
Edinburgh and Scottish Collection