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Page 76 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1

Moir, Ethel, 1916, Document
Page 76 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Page 76 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Page 76 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
Library Item
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Page 76 from Ethel Moir Diary, Vol 1
What I find most trying is the cold at nights - it comes out of the floor I think - I wonder which would be preferable to be "eaten away" or to die of cold? My hour "off-duty" is up, so I must finish this later.
8th Things much as usual, as busy as busy. To chance of our getting in to mischief these days! Some of the wounds are too terrible & the men dying like so many of them have such awful head wounds, quite hopeless cases - but I won't write about 'em, I want to forget about Hospital for a little. I was off for an hour yesterday afternoon so went & had a prowl round Migedia [Medjidia] - nothing but soldiers, soldiers everywhere. It's a very dirty, sandy place, but in non-war times must be very pretty. The country round about is beautiful. There
was a most gorgeous sunset last night - we do see the most lovely skies here - crimson, yellow & orange.
The Russians, want Dr. Inglis, to send a few of the staff further up the line - to a place Boul-boul-mic - as an advanced dressing station. So 12 "greys"are going with Dr. Chesney in charge & ½ the Transport.
Artist / maker
20.4 x 16.0 cm
Edinburgh and Scottish Collection